Friday, November 21, 2008

The Spokesman Review: Irrelevant as Ever

I was sorry to hear that the 7 (the Spokesman's attempt at a weekly) cut food critic Tom Bowers a few months back.

I was even more sorry to hear that they cut longtime music writer Isamu Jordan a few weeks back.

Now that the 7's going to stop running, I'm not really too sorry.

I know, I know. Its hard to run a newspaper these days! The internets are taking away all their readers!! There's no money in publishing!!!

But I (and many like myself) now have no reason to turn to anything the Spokesman publishes. The internets have all we need. I'm not going to pay 50 cents to find occasional articles about local music/nightlife every Friday. I'd rather look in the Inlander, Out There, the Meeting Northwest, or the myspace pages of local bands/venues.

Oh well.


Nick said...

I was mad when I saw that, too.

What's ironic is that 7 is something that actually appeals to younger people, the audience that newspapers struggle to capture. Not very forward-thinking of them.

The world of media is changing and the Spokesman-Review is going to die a slow and painful death if they don't change with it.

Locke said...

game, set, match