Friday, January 30, 2009

How The Young Have Fallen

I've always really liked the Globes. I first heard them when my friend Will started sending me songs his band For Years Blue was recording. They won a few Battle of the Bands, and were in or around the 10th grade. They were suprisingly pretty damn good. Here's a taste of probably my favorite For Years Blue tune, alas I never saw them play it live:

For Years Blue: D Beam Controller

They continued to get better. Will left the band at some point. I always kind of figured that they'd break up, as most young bands do, move along or go to college in different towns. But somehow, they managed to change their name to the Globes, and move out to Seattle to make it big in rock and roll. Here's a jam off their new EP. Love it.

The Globes: Killers and Saints

Tiny Vipers, The Globes, Kaylee Cole and Grant Olson play the Empyrean on Saturday January 31. 7pm, $7, All Ages.

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